Tuesday 26 February 2013

Special Birthday Wishes for an Extra Special Friend

There were few people that knew about my love for baking, one of them is my dear dear friend Senora.

Senora would literally nag me about starting this blog and I'm glad she did.

So on this special day, I would like to wish her a happy birthday and all the love and joy for many many more years to come.

Senora, thanks for being such a special friend to Pren and I and for always believing in me.

And yes she did place an order for some fun cupcakes...

Vanilla Cupcakes with Hot Pink and Purple Icing

Once again, Happy Birthday Friend !

Saturday 23 February 2013

Despicable Me, In more ways than One

One of my most special friends sent me a picture of the most wierdest looking cupcakes and wanted to place an order.

Now it must be said that I really dont enjoy animated movies and haven't the slightest idea of who any of these popular characters are, So naturally I was clueless that these little babies were called 'minions'

For those in the dark like I was, this is what they look like...

Ok so now with that out of the way, lets get down to my part in all of this.

I'm going to try something different and give a step by step method of how I put these together.

Preparing a moist chocolate cupcake

Preparing the little minions

You would need:

- Tinkies (which are sliced in half)
- Squigly Eyes
- Icing
- Piping Bag

Follow the link below on how to make your very own piping bag

Then off you go, ice the detail onto the tinkie

Now everything needs to be assembled 

Icing the cuppie

Placing on those cute little minions

And thats it ! ! ! 

My little minions all set and ready to go

It is important to be open to new situations and even the small things you are unfamilar with for being ignorant doesn't get you very far

And even though I have NEVER heard of 'Despicable Me' I'm glad I tried and must admit that it was really fun.

So thanks Punk and I hope she enjoyed them...

Tuesday 19 February 2013

A Special Order for A Special Occasion

Catherine had her boyfriends birthday coming up, so she thought it would be a good idea to get him a  Red Velvet Cake....

And even though she didnt give me much notice this is what I came up with and she loved it...

Lets hope James did too

All iced  and almost ready to go

Done, Made with Love just for You

Happy Birthday James !

Thursday 14 February 2013

Saint Valentine's Day

Not many people know this but I'm the biggest sucker when it comes to romance,  I get all weak kneed and starry eyed at the most simple and sweetest gestures and can watch a chick flick over and over and over again... So yes I guess that does make me a closet case romantic #sigh

This year, in an attempt to Spread The LOVE I baked up what felt like a gazillion red velvet cupcakes.
They came out super amazing and were absolutely delish.

I hope everyone enjoys them and for those that missed out, this is what they looked like:

Option #1

All packed up

Option #2

Option #3

Cheers to Saint Valentine, all those hundreds and hundreds of years ago, who chose love and believed in what in stood for and making this official day of love what it is.

Happy Valentine's Day  ! ! !
But remember one does not need an occasion to show the one they love just how special they are

Sunday 10 February 2013

Jannie's Turns 2 ! ! !

Hannah Jane aka Jannie is Senora's gorgeous daughter.
I was tasked with making her birthday cake this year.
Senora wanted a Rainbow Cake covered with  butter icing and 100's and 1000's
This is how our Jannie's cake turned out...

Every Rainbow needs a pot of  'gold' at the end

A slice just for you

The Birthday Girl

And all is revealed

Jannie enjoyed her cake the best !

And with that,
A job well done and completed just as ordered !

Thanks Senora, not only for this order but for your continuous support

Daddy's Day 2012

I cant always celebrate Fathers Day with my dad because we both are far away from each other. Last year I decided to bake some cupies for the Dad's at the office. These are vanilla cupcakes with a lemon and condensed milk centre, decorated with butter icing and plastic icing motifs

My Dad never sported a Moustache.
But this can also be used for Movember Celebrations ;)

He does however, most of the time dress in a crisp clean shirt and a tie.
Growing up we would always see him neatly dressed and thats where the inspiration for these designs came from.
See What I mean...

Most Times

Indian Delights  by Zuleikha Mayat is a book that belongs in the kitchen of every Indian home.
Most times this is usually past from mother to daughter and contains the secret to a good Indian cook.

Senora loaned us her mothers copy and  Pren and I have made so many delicious things, both sweet and savoury.

Luckily Senora's mum knows the Pickle recipe by heart so we can hold onto the book a little longer :)
So thanks Senora and thanks Mrs Van Der Vyver <3

Chana Magaj - Ridiculously Easy to Prepare provided you follow all the rules
and remember,
no talking while stirring.  

Another simple and hassle free treat: Multi coloured Coconut Ice

Tea Time Treats

In any Indian home, the moment you tall enough to reach the swtich of the kettle you are 'taught' how to make Tea, and after that, theres no turning back. Its usually the youngest child in the home that becomes the tea making slave. I can clearly remember when I was taught by my dad, who was ever so happy to show me the ropes.

One does not need a reason or occassion for tea time and it can occur at any time of the day.

My sister Prenisha and I continue with this in our home, preparing tasty, yummy and simple tea time treats has become almost a ritual on the weekends.

These are some of the treats...

Apple Crumble Pie

Granadilla Sponge with fresh granadilla's straight from the farm. Courtesy of Senora's Uncle <3

Vanilla Cuppies with Hot Pink Icing

Jam Tarts are one of the famous tea time treats. They easy to make and are highly addictive !

Dark Chocolate Mini Mouse Cakes topped with fresh whipped cream. These are seriously dangerous

Our Weekend Special - Red Velvet

So the next time you find yourself just drinking a lonesome cup of tea, STOP,THINK, and remember YOU deserve a treat :)

Senora's Red Velvet Birthday Cake Febraury 2012

I was at a friends party when I was first introduced to this strange red cake, I was so intrigued to know how it tasted and I HAD to find out how it was made. I found a recipe and tried it out myself, the taste and texture was so different to normal cakes and I immediately knew that I now had a new favourite...

Making this was really special becuase it was my first ever order and even though placing each rose petal was rather tedious it turned out into a big success and that made it all worth while.

There are few ways that a red velvet cake can be decorated, rose petals seemed rather apt... 

  • Finished Product: Three Layered Red Velvet covered and sandwiched with the tastiest cream cheese icing

Saturday 9 February 2013

How it all began...

My cooking journey begins from the moment I dream up how some wonderful creation is going to taste to the final moments that it blissfully lies between my fingers or fork on route into my mouth to be devoured.
I believe that in preparing anything, the main ingredient is love and obviously hope that the end product is exactly how I pictured it in my mind.
Creating these wonderful and delectable treats for the people that I love is my reward.
So happy baking and always remember,
 If it’s made with love it’s sure to come out perfect

Made With Love Just For YOU !

My mum always says that when we cook you should begin with positive energy; loving and happy thoughts should surround the meal and its preparation because that love, warmth and happiness would be conveyed to your recipients,
which usually is my family.

I have adopted that into my baking and with that I would like to welcome you to my blog:
Made With Love